This project took place remotely but involved different countries, including Italy, the USA, Brazil, and Spain. To support the fast generation of inspections and event reports to monitor corrective actions, we were asked by Enel, a multinational energy company, to review their existing HSEQ4ALL service experience

We proposed a consistent experience across laptops and mobile from the beginning to the end. The service created was designed to work effectively in offline mode, optimal for plant operations, and have a low internet connection to ensure that it is accessible and empathic to all users.

I managed business needs, generated an overview of the service through a blueprint, conducted initial user research to define critical personas, and established the concept and the design principles. Lastly, I created the user experience of the TO-BE MVP solution.

Enel is the company where I developed the project
My role

Service designer
User experience



Tools Used

Miro, Jira, Adobe XD, Powerpoint, Teams

User research and business requirements

The design process starts by reviewing the existing HSEQ4ALL service across all key aspects. Firstly, we participate in an inception phase for gathering business requirements and understanding how the system runs. 

Secondly, we mapped out how the service works by doing a blueprint.

Thirdly, we did a qualitative analysis of pain and gain with seven user interviews conducted in three languages with representative roles from four countries.

Graphic example of the users' role and nationality

As a result, we group the users’ profiles into two key personas related to the service:
Richard, the worker who reports an event, and Martina, the HSEQ expert, receive the announcement.

Profiles of the personas created


Additionally, we clustered the information collected and found seven themes of feedback that helped us to focus on the following areas for our concept:

We also determined five principles that guide us in designing and building the new service experience.

Details of the five principles

From Findings To Features​​

After consolidating our concept and principles, I planned and did the desired user experience and worked with a visual designer to create our prototype, which was approved after a few reviews from engineers and business stakeholders.

The subsequent screens are some of the results we did using the Enel design system, accessibility checks from experts, and some iterations of four user tests of our MVP validation.



Inspection list

width, extend, wider, sides, wallsCreated with Sketch. 1

Onboarding: From the beginning of the experience, there is a support of essential content to explain some of the interactions and necessary interfaces the user will see when using the app.

width, extend, wider, sides, wallsCreated with Sketch. 2

Homepage: All the homepage sections are organised hierarchy by the system depending on the user's role; he won't see any other areas he is not allowed to use.​

width, extend, wider, sides, wallsCreated with Sketch. 3

Inspection list: Inspection list: The worker can filter the list used by data, status and scope. At the same time, he can search by name or number.



Status and overview

width, extend, wider, sides, wallsCreated with Sketch. 4

Notifications: Ensure the people to stay informed of any relevant HSEQ4you updates and see the progress of their reports.

width, extend, wider, sides, wallsCreated with Sketch. 5

Checklist: The questionnaire experience is simple and guides the process seamlessly.

width, extend, wider, sides, wallsCreated with Sketch. 6

Status and overview: Clear offline and online indication on update status. Easy application updates and fast access to support.


Our redesign service experience is 100% accessible, saving users 62% time and effort when creating a report. The service design and user experience methodologies verified the importance of developing solutions from the beginning to the end. This is based on a core investigation of business requirements and user needs. 

Enel’s client was delighted and extended the collaboration to create other flows. This project’s success is due to research, a multidisciplinary team, and knowledge sharing.

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